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Creative Strategies to Tackle Bedtime

Sleep is such an important part of life, but the nightly bedtime battle can become a frustrating experience for both parent and child. If you are a parent who is struggling for bedtime success, here are some ideas you can try:

Start with the basics – The most important first step is to create a solid, consistent bedtime routine. For routine ideas, or if you are interested in some “Do’s and Don’ts”, start here. If you’re interested in more general tips for creating healthy sleep habits in children, check out these 8 suggestions as well. 

The Bedtime Box – A bedtime box (or basket) is a simple idea that gets your child involved in their bedtime routine by giving them a bit of control while still getting them on their way to bed. Get a simple fabric box and fill it with all the items a child needs to get ready. Let them choose the order that they go in, but make sure they know that once the box is empty, it’s bedtime. To make it more fun, you can decorate the box together (see this article for an example). Here are some ideas for things to include:

  • Pajamas
  • Bedtime story
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
  • Diapers
  • Bubble bath
  • Night light

“One free pass” – If your child is one to repeatedly call you back with a stream of requests for a glass of water, another bedtime story, or “just one more goodnight kiss”, this option may be for you. The “free pass” option allows them to choose one reason to get out of bed. After that, let them know that the expectation is that they stay in bed unless they have an emergency. If needed, adjust the number of passes you give your little one for each night if you feel they need more. Each morning they make it through the night by using their passes, celebrate with them!

The Checking Method – With this method, tuck your little one into bed. After putting them down to sleep, check on them in regular intervals that gradually increase in length until they fall asleep. This strategy is helpful for anxious children who want mom or dad to stay with them until they fall asleep. For more guidelines, see this page

Bedtime routines are important for laying the foundation for a good night’s rest. Utilizing these tips will help you and your children turn the nightmare of nagging reminders and bedtime battles into a recipe for sweet dreams.




Sleep resources:

American Sleep Association: Children & Sleep

Pediatric Sleep Council

Sleep Foundation: Children and Sleep

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