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Help Me Grow Utah Blog

Potty Talk: 9 Tips for Making Potty Training Easier

Recently a Utah State House Bill was passed requiring potty training to enter kindergarten. In this blog post we’re talking all things potty. From training tips to helpful videos, let’s dive into some potty talk.  Potty Training Suggestions:  1. What products do I need to get started? Get a toilet seat that has a double

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Myths, Misconceptions, & Methods: Raising Your Children Bilingual

Definitions: Majority Language – Most widely spoken language among a population (often one children will hear at school) Minority Language – Less widely spoken language among a population (often spoken in the home) I recently spoke to a friend from Mexico, who lives in the United States, and speaks Spanish to her almost 2-year-old at

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Hospital Care – A Child Life Specialist

Seeking care for your child can be scary especially when your child is frightened and doesn’t understand what is happening. With everything going on during a child’s treatment it can be hard to answer their questions and cater to their needs. That is why we have Child Life Specialists, a member of your child’s care

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Does My Child Have a Speech Delay?

From sounds to babbles to words and finally sentences, a child’s communication skills grow by leaps and bounds in the first five years of life. Communication milestones are important for your child to meet since it’s a major part of everyday life. As with any other milestone, you may wonder, “When should I be worried?”

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