Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Tag: Social Emotional Development

Hospital Care – A Child Life Specialist

Seeking care for your child can be scary especially when your child is frightened and doesn’t understand what is happening. With everything going on during a child’s treatment it can be hard to answer their questions and cater to their needs. That is why we have Child Life Specialists, a member of your child’s care

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The Power of the 5 Love Languages for Your Own Children

When we talk about love languages we usually talk about it in the sense of significant others. I believe this is a great way to also reflect on how you express love to your own children! What love language do you think your child appreciates the most? What love language comes easy to you as

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11 Mindfulness Activities to Improve the Parent-Child Bond

When in stressful situations, it can be common for parents to have “knee-jerk” reactions. We may lash out at our children, raise our voices, or become irrationally upset about little things. Some parents will even resort to what was modeled in their own childhood when in the heat of the moment. These reactions can lead

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Separation Anxiety and Sleep Regression

A few months after my grandson’s second birthday, he started having some separation anxiety that led to some trouble with bedtime and sleep regression. He went from a toddler who went to bed and to sleep each night without too many problems and slept without waking too often during the night to a toddler who

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¿Cómo facilitar el desarrollo social y emocional de mi niño?

El desarrollo social y emocional durante los primeros años de vida es un proceso fundamental y gradual en el cual los niños adquieren la capacidad de entender, experimentar, expresar y gestionar sus emociones apropiadamente y desarrollar relaciones sanas con adultos y otros niños. Esto establecerá fundamentos para el resto de la vida del niño, sus

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Explaining Mindsets: Fixed vs. Growth

Did you know how you praise a child can be linked to the mindset they develop? Have you ever heard the terms Growth mindset and Fixed mindset? Do you know the difference? A fixed mindset is believing that you can’t learn more or do better. It limits learning to how things are now. The Growth

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11 Helpful Phrases to Confidently Parent the Toddler Years

We’ve all been there (or will be there soon!). Your child is trying to tell you something, but you just can’t figure out what he is trying to say. Your child isn’t ready to be done with the activity he is in the middle of when it’s time to leave. Or maybe you are trying

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10 Coping Techniques to Use with Your Child

 Have you ever noticed how life has a tendency to throw all sorts of unexpected twists and turns, especially at the least convenient times? I’ve heard enough experiences to know that this doesn’t just happen to me; everyone has their own story. It’s often hard for me (but really, most adults as well) to deal

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