Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Tag: Physical and Emotional Safety

Social Media and Parenthood: Evaluating Your Expectations

Mom + Influencer = “Mom-fluencer” Most parents would agree that morning sickness, changing diapers, potty training, and tantrums are all far from being glamorous. The daily tasks of raising children certainly have their fair share of rewards, but they also come with fatigue, discouragement, self doubt, and frustration.  How do social media influencers make it

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The Truth About Weighted Sleep Sacks

Weighted sleep sacks for babies are all the rage these days. After all, weighted blankets are an amazing tool to help teens and adults relax, relieve anxious feelings, and sleep more soundly. The subtle pressure has a soothing effect on the body and mind. So, why not try it for your fussy infant? Surely it

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Your (In)complete Guide to Child-Houseplant Safety

Some of my very favorite things in the Help Me Grow office space are the houseplants we keep. The idea of these little living things brightening our space and continuing to grow, endure, and thrive day by day makes me smile, and I appreciate them all the more for the small favors they ask of

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Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse can be a scary topic. According to some studies, 1 in 5 children in the U.S. is sexually abused before reaching age 18. Often, the child knows the abuser. For any parent or future parent, the information and statistics about child sexual abuse are alarming. Becoming educated about preventing sexual abuse is

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How to be Bigger than Bullies

​From the stepsisters in Disney’s Cinderella to Lotso in Disney’s Toy Story 3, it is not uncommon to see the role of bullies presented in family movies. Unfortunately, this behavior can happen outside of the screen. As your children take on the world, there are ways to teach them how to react to bullying, prevent

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4 Ways to Boost Your Confidence in Car Seat Safety

Nearly two years ago my husband and I were getting ready to bring our newborn baby home from the hospital. As I put my tiny baby in his car seat for the first time I felt nervous and unsure that I was doing everything right, even though I had spent time preparing for this moment.

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4 Summer Safety Tips for Parents

Summer is right around the corner and I, for one, could not be more excited to have some fun in the sun. From swimming to evening bike rides, there is so much to look forward to. With all this fun in mind, my thoughts have also turned to what I can do as a parent

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How to Support Your Child as a Single Parent

Being raised by a single parent is special but far from easy. I grew up in a single-parent household along with my younger brother. As a single mother, my mom did everything in her power to make sure my brother and I were happy and gave us the best life possible. As a child, I

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A Happy Halloween: Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe

As a kid, I remember how excited I got about dressing up for Halloween. There’s just something magical about pretending to be someone or something else for an evening, having fun and getting lots of yummy treats. Carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, and drinking warm apple cider are some of the things I looked forward to most

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Helping Your Child with Personal Boundaries

Personal boundaries are more than just standing 6 feet apart from strangers. Some children are too shy to engage with many of their friends, so they don’t have a lot of practice with appropriate boundaries. Some children are best of friends with everyone they meet, and parents may worry this will put their child in

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