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Tag: Prenatal and Postpartum

Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom, Dad, & Baby

There may be a lot of things you’re feeling anxious about, but having what you need for the hospital doesn’t have to be one! Pack your bag by 36 or 37 weeks as the baby could come earlier than expected. Essential day-to-day items can wait but be prepared to grab them when the time comes.

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Fed Baby is a Happy Baby! 3 Myths About The Best Way to Feed Your Infant

Becoming a parent is a life-changing, thrilling and remarkable experience! However, there is a common tendency for mothers to feel guilty about anything that happens to their baby, whether it be inside or outside their control. We live in a world where onlookers are quick to point fingers and shame mothers for ANYTHING that they

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Help! My Baby is Teething and I am Still Breastfeeding

You are a pro at breastfeeding, you got everything figured out, and you might be at the point where you feel this is a normal daily task for you, like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. But it’s time for another adventure in your breastfeeding journey. Your baby has begun teething.  Maybe it is just

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How to Succeed When Adding Another Baby to the Family

Having a second baby, or any child after that is a big change for a family. This new child might seem fussier or more difficult than your first. We want to offer some ideas to help parents adjust well to the new addition. Here are some things to consider: Your Bond with Baby: As you now

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Cuando amamantar no resulta según lo planeado

Mi primer hijo nació a principios del año 2021. Debido al manejo del dolor, pasaron varias horas antes de que intentara a amamantar. Cuando ya estaba lista, las enfermeras preguntaron si quería intentarlo. Por supuesto, dije que sí. Vi el amamantamiento como un deber como madre. Estaba ansiosa, pero determinada a tener éxito. Una especialista

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When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Go as Planned

My first child was born in early 2021. Due to pain management, it took several hours for me to attempt nursing. When I was ready, the nurses asked if I wanted to try breastfeeding. Of course, I said yes. I saw breastfeeding as my duty as a new mother. The idea of nursing came with

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5 Falsos mitos de la depresión postparto

La salud mental de las madres es muy importante pero no hablamos mucho de la depresión postparto porque culturalmente vemos que el embarazo y el postparto son épocas de plena felicidad. No queremos aceptar que también son muy estresantes y que enfrentamos mayor vulnerabilidad de la salud mental. Las madres sienten presión social para sentirse y parecer feliz todo

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¿Qué Puedo Decir en Lugar de “Bien Hecho”?

Ya pasaron 10 minutos. Necesitan ir a una cita del doctor, pero tu niño insiste en ponerse sus propios zapatos. Habría sido mucho más rápido hacerlo tú misma, pero el niño insistió. Aliviada y lista para salir por la puerta, chocan los cinco y dices: “¡Buen trabajo!” Hablemos de esa frase, “Buen trabajo”. Se ha

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What Should I Consider When Making a Birth Plan?

Having a birth plan is a growing desire for pregnant women. First introduced in the 1980s due to increased medical births, birth plans have been a source for many women to relay their preferences during and around the time of childbirth. If you choose to have a written plan in place, take some time in

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Postpartum Depression in Men: Helping Dads Cope

Most of us have heard of postpartum depression in women, but did you know it can also affect fathers?! Figures vary depending on the source, but it’s estimated that for every two women that have postpartum depression, one man will have PPPD (paternal postpartum depression), and approximately 25% of new fathers (though only 10% of

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