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Tag: Food and Nutrition

Tongue-Tied? Do not shy away from feeding concerns. 

With so much to do and learn as a new mother, knowing when and what to discuss with your healthcare provider may feel overwhelming. Whether you have chosen to breastfeed or use a bottle, you may need clarification on what feeding concerns to address with a professional. After all, it is hard to be aware

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How to Overcome Feeding Challenges

Feeding a child can cause the most anxiety-inducing moments of the day… OR it can be an enjoyable experience that brings parent and child closer together. The following guidelines can empower your family to start out on the right foot when feeding your baby, or if you have a picky eater, to take steps toward positive feeding moments.

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Cómo superar las dificultades de la alimentación

El alimentar a un niño puede causar muchos momentos de ansiedad durante el día…O puede ser una experiencia agradable que les une al padre y al hijo. Las siguientes sugerencias pueden empoderar a su familia para tener un buen comienzo a la hora de alimentar a su bebé, o si usted tiene a un niño

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Recognizing and Treating Tongue-Ties

“I have tried many times to express my feelings, but at each attempt, I find myself tongue-tied” -Kate Cary Did you know that being tongue-tied is something more than just an experience one feels when they struggle to find words? A tongue tie is a small bit of skin tissue, called the frenulum, that attaches the bottom

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Honey Facts & Fiction For Kids and Parents

A delicious, sweet treat that comes directly from nature, honey has always been considered a tasty treat, especially for those with a sweet tooth like children. But this sticky substance has been part of the culture for so long that many myths and misunderstandings surrounding honey’s safety and use with children have persisted. Let’s look

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My child has a food allergy…now what?

The road to diagnosing a food allergy can be a long and scary one. Getting the official diagnosis can provide a lot of answers, but also be daunting as it sparks new questions as well. So where do you start? What should you consider? If you’re just beginning down the path of understanding how to

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4 Tips for Helping Your Child Eat a Healthy Diet

When kids eat a healthy and balanced diet, it provides them with the nutrients that they need to grow and develop in a healthy way. However, it can be hard to know what and how to feed your kid sometimes. These four recommendations can help guide you in helping your kid eat a balanced and

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How to Help Your Kids Develop a Healthy Relationship with Food

In a world where around every corner we are faced with diet advertisements and messages of what “health” is, it can be hard to navigate healthy eating with your kids. If you’re looking for some pretty basic tips on what to feed your kids, here is a great resource. That being said, your child’s healthy eating habits

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