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Tag: Teething

Tongue-Tied? Do not shy away from feeding concerns. 

With so much to do and learn as a new mother, knowing when and what to discuss with your healthcare provider may feel overwhelming. Whether you have chosen to breastfeed or use a bottle, you may need clarification on what feeding concerns to address with a professional. After all, it is hard to be aware

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Help! My Baby is Teething and I am Still Breastfeeding

You are a pro at breastfeeding, you got everything figured out, and you might be at the point where you feel this is a normal daily task for you, like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. But it’s time for another adventure in your breastfeeding journey. Your baby has begun teething.  Maybe it is just

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Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers

 Thumb sucking and pacifiers can be a real worry to some parents. We’ve all heard horror stories about children’s teeth becoming deformed and needing orthodontic intervention. Sucking on a pacifier and/or thumb is a healthy, natural reflex that infants and toddlers use to soothe themselves. Sucking is very relaxing and may help children fall asleep.

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Tips for Teething and Oral Hygiene

There is arguably nothing cuter than a baby’s gummy, ear-to-ear grin…until they get two little teeth in the front, then it’s game over. But that extreme level of cuteness doesn’t come without a price, especially on baby’s end. Fussiness, swollen gums, sleeplessness, and even a fever are just some symptoms your baby will express when

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