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Tag: Cognitive Development

Myths, Misconceptions, & Methods: Raising Your Children Bilingual

Definitions: Majority Language – Most widely spoken language among a population (often one children will hear at school) Minority Language – Less widely spoken language among a population (often spoken in the home) I recently spoke to a friend from Mexico, who lives in the United States, and speaks Spanish to her almost 2-year-old at

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Fostering Growth: The Power of a Child’s Mindset

Let’s say a child goes to stack blocks into a tower but struggles to balance them. Frustrated, he may cry out, “I just can’t do it. I’m not good at building towers.” Despite encouragement from a caregiver, the child insists on giving up, convinced that building a tower is beyond his abilities. This is just

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Alternatives to T.V. Time

I remember babysitting my young niece not too long ago. All evening she asked, “Cars?” This was code for, “Could we watch the movie Cars?” Soon I turned on the TV and sat with my niece as she watched intently. I became intrigued as I started to notice she did not take her eyes off

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Is it a Speech Delay, Language Delay or Bilingualism?

Have you ever heard the terms “language delay” and “speech delay” being thrown around almost interchangeably? Perhaps you’ve heard that children who learn two languages are more prone to speech delays? These terms and possibilities can be very overwhelming, especially when we want the best possible speech outcomes for our children. Hopefully, this article will

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5 Ways to Foster a Child’s Creativity

Fostering creativity helps children grow mentally by providing new opportunities for self-expression, problem solving, and trying out new ideas. Parents can have a vital role in creating an open environment where children can be free to explore and self-express. There are some simple yet rewarding ways you can promote creativity in your child. Here are

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5 Ways to Build Attachment with Your Baby

New parents have a million things to worry about. From finding childcare to making sure their new baby is receiving the healthcare they need, new parents can sometimes be overwhelmed by all the new responsibilities they now have to juggle. Building attachment is just one of these new responsibilities that parents face with their babies.

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Guest Post: Screen time and toddlers: What is transfer deficit?

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve all been using screens more, and overall, that’s OK. Screen time is less about the hours than the content. Screens can connect and educate, and keep us all safe indoors. However, research shows that for our youngest children, under age three, we need to be more careful and deliberate with

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Lying and the Theory of Mind: A Newfound Ability in Preschoolers

“Johnny, did you just take a cookie after I told you not to?” “…No…” When you find out that your child has lied to you, it can be pretty distressing. Your sweet, innocent child chose to deceive you, which could only mean that they are now headed down a road full of deceitfulness, bad choices,

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