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Tag: Temperament

Calming An Overstimulated Child

As humans, we are always experiencing sensory input, and everyone experiences times when they feel sensory overload. For children with sensory processing issues, those moments may be especially overwhelming. Experiencing sensory overload can happen to any child, but is often more common in children who have ADHD, autism, or other behavioral issues. It’s important to remember that

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Calming An Overstimulated Child

As humans, we are always experiencing sensory input, and everyone experiences times when they feel sensory overload. For children with sensory processing issues, those moments may be especially overwhelming. Experiencing sensory overload can happen to any child, but is often more common in children who have ADHD, autism, or other behavioral issues. It’s important to remember that

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How to Prevent a Public Temper Tantrum

Every parent has witnessed a temper tantrum at one time or another. Your child is screaming while you stand there trying to decide what to do. It can be even more daunting when you have an audience watching. Public temper tantrums can be difficult, but below you will find some positive parenting strategies to ease

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Parenting with Temperament in Mind

Ever wonder how your child can react to and behave in situations so differently than you do? Though parents surely have an influence on children’s behavior and mannerisms, temperament is also a unique influence that a child brings on their own. Temperament needs to be taken into account to not only have successful parenting, but

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Encouraging Mindfulness in Childhood

Close your eyes… focus on your breath… do not try to change it, just focus on it. Now, I want you to imagine yourself lying in the soft grass. As you rest, you notice a tree next to you; this tree has big, beautiful leaves. Also, notice that there is a stream nearby; you are

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