Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Tag: Medical

Thumb Sucking and Pacifiers

 Thumb sucking and pacifiers can be a real worry to some parents. We’ve all heard horror stories about children’s teeth becoming deformed and needing orthodontic intervention. Sucking on a pacifier and/or thumb is a healthy, natural reflex that infants and toddlers use to soothe themselves. Sucking is very relaxing and may help children fall asleep.

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What is Plagiocephaly?

 We’ve all seen them. Cute baby with a cute funny helmet on his head in a shopping cart at the grocery store or in a stroller at the mall. Why are there so many these days? Are these moms letting their babies fall on their heads?! Probably not. Most likely, they have a case of

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Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV) 2022

“When the pandemic hit the U.S. in March 2020, we saw the rates of all viruses plummet” reports Dr. Vandana Madhavan, director of advanced pediatrics at Mass General Brigham in Boston. Today’s RSV is Worse. Rates of COVID and flu are up for children aged 0 to 5, and for the last few months, young

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Recognizing and Treating Tongue-Ties

“I have tried many times to express my feelings, but at each attempt, I find myself tongue-tied” -Kate Cary Did you know that being tongue-tied is something more than just an experience one feels when they struggle to find words? A tongue tie is a small bit of skin tissue, called the frenulum, that attaches the bottom

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Parent’s Guide to ABA Therapy

Your child has an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis, and your doctor has recommended ABA therapy, but what is that and how can it help your child? ABA Therapy stands for Applied Behavior Analysis and is one of the most common interventions for children with autism. The goal of ABA therapy is to teach skills and

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My child has a food allergy…now what?

The road to diagnosing a food allergy can be a long and scary one. Getting the official diagnosis can provide a lot of answers, but also be daunting as it sparks new questions as well. So where do you start? What should you consider? If you’re just beginning down the path of understanding how to

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A Happy Halloween: Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe

As a kid, I remember how excited I got about dressing up for Halloween. There’s just something magical about pretending to be someone or something else for an evening, having fun and getting lots of yummy treats. Carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, and drinking warm apple cider are some of the things I looked forward to most

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Teaching Your Children About the Dangers of Sexual Assault

All a parent wants is to see their child grow up healthy, happy, and safe. There are many things that pose a threat to the safety of our children, and as parents, we do our best to warn and protect our children against these dangers. We teach our children to stay safe by looking both

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Screen Time Recommendations for Children

We have all heard that we need to limit our children’s screen time. In this technology-driven time it is hard to know what we should let our children watch, how much, and what that could be possibly doing to our children’s development. Defining screen time has become difficult and while many parents know that children

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Type 1: A New Diagnosis

“When I was four years old, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It was a huge struggle for my family, as it was early in the technology of Diabetic care and everyone in my family (parents, five older siblings, and a twin) had to learn how to take care of me. My siblings have

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