Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Tag: Potty Training

Potty Talk: 9 Tips for Making Potty Training Easier

Recently a Utah State House Bill was passed requiring potty training to enter kindergarten. In this blog post we’re talking all things potty. From training tips to helpful videos, let’s dive into some potty talk.  Potty Training Suggestions:  1. What products do I need to get started? Get a toilet seat that has a double

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It’s Time To Go Potty!

There are so many different methods for potty training your little one. The number of ideas, the mess, and the fear of resistance from your child can really cause anxiety and stress. I want to share my experience training my daughter and emphasize some tips that really helped us that can be applied other methods

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The Princess Bride and Fear of Public Restrooms

You just spent the last several weeks inside the house (hopefully during winter) watching “The Princess Bride” over and over while potty training your toddler. It wasn’t exactly like climbing the cliffs of insanity, but close. Now that it’s Spring you want to get out of the house and go on an outing, but there’s

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