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Tag: Education

The Power of “I Don’t Know… Let’s Find Out.” 

Kids ask questions. Some kids ask A LOT of questions. While advice on dealing with questions can range from revisiting the question at a later time to asking your child what he or she thinks the answer is, I believe this powerful phrase can shape the way your child looks at questions for the rest

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How Bilingualism Can Improve Your Child’s Well-being

 Learning a new language is not an easy task. There can be a lot of barriers present in learning a second language: different conjugations, unknown pronunciations, atypical phrases, and the list goes on. However, as someone who learned a language as a child, I have come to highly appreciate the unique abilities that emerged in

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5 Secrets for Back to School Success

It’s August, which means it’s time to get ready to go back to school. When I was growing up, getting ready to go back to school meant shopping for school clothes, going to bed earlier, getting up earlier and of course new school supplies. There was always excitement in the air as I met my

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10 Tips for Teaching Body Safety

We teach our children about stranger danger, stop drop and roll, and fire safety; but do we teach our kids about keeping their bodies safe? Think back to your childhood–did you have an aunt who plopped a slimy kiss on your cheek or an uncle who gave a rib-cracking hug? Were you told it was

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​Is it Ever too Early to Start Reading to Your Child?

Some parents may be wondering when to start reading to their children. Both of my parents are educators – under their guidance, I learned the value of reading from an early age. Simply put, it is never too early to read to your child. In fact, studies have shown that introducing books beginning at 4 months

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8 Tips for Delivering Trauma-Informed Feedback to Your Child

Children who have experienced trauma often react to both positive and negative feedback a bit differently than other children. Brookes Publishing discusses some ideas for teacher-student interactions on how to give both positive and corrective feedback. These ideas can also translate to how you respond in the home. For positive feedback, make it: Low-key and private. Use nonverbal

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5 Tips for Developing Financial Wellness In Your Kids

As a parent, worrying about your finances every now and then is probably second nature, however, it is also something that you probably never want your child to experience. If you’re hoping to instill financial wellness in your child at a young age, there are plenty of places for you to start. Consider the five

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How to Break the Cycle of Gender Stereotyping

 Have you ever heard the saying “boys will be boys”? Or “girls are so emotional”? These may seem like harmless phrases that explain our parenting experiences, but they may actually be limiting our children’s potential. Gender Differences We are always hearing about another new finding on the “many” differences between boys and girls – whether

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