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Tag: Pregnancy

Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom, Dad, & Baby

There may be a lot of things you’re feeling anxious about, but having what you need for the hospital doesn’t have to be one! Pack your bag by 36 or 37 weeks as the baby could come earlier than expected. Essential day-to-day items can wait but be prepared to grab them when the time comes.

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How to Prepare Your Marriage for a New Baby

Welcoming a new baby can be an exciting time for a couple. From putting together a nursery, buying baby clothes, and picking out a name, there’s a lot to look forward to! For married couples expecting a new baby, there are certain safeguards that can be put in place to prevent a marriage from falling

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5 Falsos mitos de la depresión postparto

La salud mental de las madres es muy importante pero no hablamos mucho de la depresión postparto porque culturalmente vemos que el embarazo y el postparto son épocas de plena felicidad. No queremos aceptar que también son muy estresantes y que enfrentamos mayor vulnerabilidad de la salud mental. Las madres sienten presión social para sentirse y parecer feliz todo

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¿Qué Puedo Decir en Lugar de “Bien Hecho”?

Ya pasaron 10 minutos. Necesitan ir a una cita del doctor, pero tu niño insiste en ponerse sus propios zapatos. Habría sido mucho más rápido hacerlo tú misma, pero el niño insistió. Aliviada y lista para salir por la puerta, chocan los cinco y dices: “¡Buen trabajo!” Hablemos de esa frase, “Buen trabajo”. Se ha

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What Should I Consider When Making a Birth Plan?

Having a birth plan is a growing desire for pregnant women. First introduced in the 1980s due to increased medical births, birth plans have been a source for many women to relay their preferences during and around the time of childbirth. If you choose to have a written plan in place, take some time in

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Top 10 Surprising Pregnancy Symptoms

Everyone knows you can expect morning sickness and strange cravings when you’re pregnant. But what about some lesser-known symptoms that might take you by surprise? Every person’s body and pregnancy is different, so you may or may not experience any of these symptoms and still be having a normal healthy pregnancy, but here are some

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My Postpartum Story

When my son was three months old, a woman at my childhood church looked lovingly at me and said, “Isn’t it just wonderful? Could you ever even imagine loving anything or anyone as much as you love him?” I cannot remember how I responded to her question, or if I even did. Inside I thought,

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Three Tips for A First Time Dad

Not only did your partner just finish carrying the baby in her belly for 9 months, if she chooses to breastfeed, she’ll be spending hours each day and night feeding. It can be easy to feel left out or uncomfortable with a new baby; there are a lot of adjustments to make! But don’t worry,

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