Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Tag: Child Development

Myths, Misconceptions, & Methods: Raising Your Children Bilingual

Definitions: Majority Language – Most widely spoken language among a population (often one children will hear at school) Minority Language – Less widely spoken language among a population (often spoken in the home) I recently spoke to a friend from Mexico, who lives in the United States, and speaks Spanish to her almost 2-year-old at

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Honoring All Progress: How Parents Can Celebrate Inchstones!

Take a moment to picture the little things that mean the world to your child.  For my family, it was ice cream on a hot summer day. Now, imagine four children sitting out in the heat when suddenly they all hear a familiar melody. A scramble for change on the kitchen counter and a race

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Your (In)complete Guide to Child-Houseplant Safety

Some of my very favorite things in the Help Me Grow office space are the houseplants we keep. The idea of these little living things brightening our space and continuing to grow, endure, and thrive day by day makes me smile, and I appreciate them all the more for the small favors they ask of

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Raising Children to Use Media Wisely

It may seem that there are only two ways to interact with technology in your family: by living in the stone age and avoiding it altogether, or by giving the kids free rein on their own tablets and iPhones and having the TV always playing in the background. Which one is right? The truth according

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Turning Heads: What You Need to Know About Torticollis

You’re smiling down at your baby, tilting your head back and forth to capture her attention. Chances are she’ll start to move her head back and forth to follow your gaze, smiling back up at you. But what happens when she doesn’t? Maybe you notice that she has her head tilted to one side and

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Explaining Mindsets: Fixed vs. Growth

Did you know how you praise a child can be linked to the mindset they develop? Have you ever heard the terms Growth mindset and Fixed mindset? Do you know the difference? A fixed mindset is believing that you can’t learn more or do better. It limits learning to how things are now. The Growth

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Let the “Tooth” be Told

My baby is going to start teething soon! What should I expect? Teething is a new experience for many parents, and oftentimes it can be a hard one. The symptoms and timeline of teething can be found here. So let’s get started! Each baby is going to have a different experience when it comes to

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Choosing Age-Appropriate Fun for Your Wiggly Little One Part 1

I don’t know about you, but my almost two-year-old is always looking for something new to do. Compiled below is a list of safety tips as you introduce new toys to your child. You can also find ideas we have learned in our house for affordable, age-appropriate fun as your little one develops from newborn

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Alternatives to T.V. Time

I remember babysitting my young niece not too long ago. All evening she asked, “Cars?” This was code for, “Could we watch the movie Cars?” Soon I turned on the TV and sat with my niece as she watched intently. I became intrigued as I started to notice she did not take her eyes off

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