- Providing screenings for perinatal parents and young children, and sharing results with your organization, when families provide consent
- Coordinating informational and community resources for families you refer
- Offering networking and training opportunities to strengthen community relationships and build the early childhood system

Making a formal referral to Help Me Grow Utah is one of the most effective ways to ensure that a family will get the extra support and resources they need. By sending a referral, you are referring a family to receive:
- Regular follow up from a Parent Support Specialist, who will connect families to information and resources on child development, pregnancy, family support, and more.
- Access to screening tools for the developmental and social-emotional health of their child(ren) and emotional well-being of expectant or new parents.
To promote a more cohesive system, we “close the referral loop” on every family you refer. With parent permission, we can also keep you updated on our ongoing work with families you refer.

ASQ Training
Help Me Grow Utah is currently offering regular trainings on the Ages & Stages Questionnaire® Tools. This 6 hour training includes the:
- Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition (ASQ®-3)
- Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ®:SE-2)
- ASQ® Online Enterprise System
Trainings are free and open to any agency/individual wishing to offer the Ages & Stages Questionnaires® to the families that they work with. Registration is required.
This training is produced with funding from the Department of Workforce Services, Office of Child Care through the Child Care and Development Block Grant.
Training Schedule
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Virtual Live
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: The Children’s Center Utah
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Virtual Live
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: Virtual Live
None of these dates work for you?
Technical Assistance
After taking the ASQ training and you beginning to plan your screening implementation, it’s normal to have questions! Our ASQ Community Coordinators are be happy to help you out with any issues or questions you may have.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to Amy Forbush amyf@unitedwayuc.org OR Sarah Armknecht saraha@unitedwayuc.org

Help Me Grow Utah hosts regular networking events to foster collaboration among individuals and providers serving Utah families and children. During these events, we invite an partner agency to showcase its services, and provide participants opportunities to network with each other.
Upcoming Events
2025 Events Coming Soon