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First-Time Dads: What to Expect 

Becoming a parent for the first time can be one of the most exciting and special moments of your life. Although this major life change provides a lot of joy, it can also bring on a lot of stress and uncertainty. From the moment you and your partner find out you’re expecting your head may be swirling with questions. How will I take care of this baby? How will this new change impact our lives? How will I know what to do? These questions are normal and healthy. We are here to make sure that you don’t have to navigate them on your own. Here are some of my favorite resources and recommendations on how dads can prepare for becoming a new parent.

Building Strengthen Mentally and Physically  

Mental health plays a big role in first-time parenting. It is common for both mothers and fathers to experience differing levels of postpartum depression. Up to 1 in 10 men experience postpartum depression. Men whose partners experience postpartum depression also have a 50 percent increased likelihood of experiencing it themselves. Although both moms and dads can experience depression, it often manifests itself in different ways. It is important to know the signs of depression in men so that you and your partner can get support when you need it. Signs of postpartum depression in men often include: easily stressed, anger, risk-taking behaviors such as substance and alcohol abuse, distancing from family, irritability, and physical symptoms like stomachaches and headaches. Postpartum Support International is a great place to go if you are experiencing this. They have many great resources to help support dads including support groups, live chats with experts, mentor programs, and help getting connected with a mental health professional.

Becoming a dad can have a big impact not only on your mental health but also on your physical health. Creating healthy habits before the little one comes will help set you up for success. The easiest and most effective way to start prioritizing your health is by focusing on what is on your plate. Start by focusing on making sure that you are drinking enough water and eating well-balanced meals that include proteins, fats, and fiber.  Eating healthy not only has an impact on how you feel physically but can help clear brain fog and help you cope mentally. Cooking healthy can feel overwhelming and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here is a list of 107 meals that are well-balanced and can be completed in 40 minutes or less. 

Another way to create healthy habits is by starting a regular exercise routine. Exercise is another proven way to boost not only your physical health but your mental health as well. Like eating healthy, this process can feel overwhelming to people who haven’t already incorporated this into their lifestyle. Don’t worry if you don’t have the money for a gym membership or the time to go, there are still many easy ways to incorporate exercise into your life. This includes things like taking the stairs, parking farther away, working out while watching your favorite TV shows, or even taking a walk while you talk on the phone. 

Learning the Basics: Feeding, Diapering, and Sleeping. 

One thing you can guarantee is that once your baby comes out they are going to need to eat, sleep, and poop. It can feel overwhelming to know where to start. The first thing is to discuss with your partner and decide which method of feeding your baby works best for you. There are many pros and cons to each method and there isn’t a right or wrong way to do it. Many parents opt for breastfeeding. This method can provide much-needed bonding for mom and baby and can also be a more cost-effective way to feed your baby. Here is a great website outlining the basics of breastfeeding. Although dads are more removed from the process of breastfeeding there are many ways to support your partner such as creating a comfortable environment to feed, ensuring mom has all the supplies she needs, and helping with the aftermath by burping and rocking the baby. Other families choose to bottle feed. This can be a great option because it allows for others to help feed the baby and can be more convenient for a busy schedule. Learn more about bottle-feeding basics here. A lot of families choose to combine bottle feeding and breastfeeding. Here is another great website you can explore on how you and your partner can work together to combine breastfeeding and bottle feeding

Although changing a diaper seems like a simple task, it can feel overwhelming to some who have never had to change one before. Here are some basic steps to help you find success in your first diaper change. Before you begin, make sure that you have all the necessary supplies. You’ll need a changing station, a clean diaper, wipes, diaper cream (if your baby has a diaper rash), and a place to dispose of the dirty diaper. First, open your clean diaper and place it underneath babies diapered bum. Second, open up the dirty diaper and clean babies diaper area. Make sure you wipe between folds of skin and wipe front to back. Next, remove the dirty diaper and roll it closed. Place it in a diaper bin or trash can. Now you can put on the diaper cream if necessary. Fasten baby’s diaper closed taking care to make sure that it is fastened equally on both sides and is not too tight. Turn the leg cuffs out to prevent leakage. Don’t forget to keep one hand on the baby during the entire process to ensure they stay in place and stay safe. Now you’ve successfully changed your first diaper! 

Sleep is another one of your baby’s basic needs that can be very hard to navigate. There are many different recommendations and suggestions on how to make this part of your baby’s life better. Here are some basic guidelines for baby sleep. The first guideline is to room-share with your baby for at least the first six months. Never let the baby sleep in bed with you, but keep their crib or bassinet close so that you can hear them at all times. Next, the crib should have a firm surface with no other bedding besides a fitted sheet. No blankets, pillows, or toys should be inside with them. Lastly, ensure that the baby sleeps flat on their back. Never place them on their stomach or their side. Swaddling can also be a great option to help baby sleep better but be careful the swaddle is not too tight. To learn more about sleeping basics you can visit here

Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork 

One of the most important things to do when preparing for a new baby is to make sure that you and your partner are on the same page. Parenting is not a one-size-fits-all and it is essential that you have honest and open communication about how you are going to proceed once the new baby comes. There are many different ways to learn about parenting such as parenting classes or parenting books. It is important to make decisions about raising your child beforehand so that you and your partner can be prepared for all of the challenges and joyful moments that are to come. Another important thing to remember is to keep the romance alive during this new period of life. Make sure that you and your partner are taking time to be with each other whether that means scheduling regular date nights, writing each other notes, or taking time out of your day just to talk. The last thing to ensure that you find success when parenting your first child is to make sure that you and your partner have adequate support from friends and family. This new stage can be challenging but you don’t have to do it alone. You’ve got this dad!

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