Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Tag: Family

How to Support Your Child as a Single Parent

Being raised by a single parent is special but far from easy. I grew up in a single-parent household along with my younger brother. As a single mother, my mom did everything in her power to make sure my brother and I were happy and gave us the best life possible. As a child, I

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The Fundamentals of ‘Fun’ in Parenting

Parenting is not easy – but it can be fun! Amidst the sleepless nights, the tears and tantrums, and so many other demands, we can still infuse humor, joy, and playfulness. In fact, play and silliness can make those challenging moments lighter! Imagine getting out of the door in the morning. Just as you realize

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What is Day of the Dead?

Day of the Dead, otherwise known as Día de los Muertos, is a celebration of life as people remember their ancestors. During this holiday, it is believed that past relatives return as spirits to the land of the living to spend time with their loved ones. Although this holiday originated in Mexico, it is celebrated

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The Importance of Grandparents

Growing up, I was fortunate to have my grandparents in my life. My relationship with each of them was as different as each of their personalities, from the grandpa who lived out of state but was a “snowbird” and traveled through Utah each fall and spring and treating us to dinner at a local buffet

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How to Explain Difficult Subjects to Young Children

We live in a time of political turmoil, disease, and natural disasters. At home, we may be enduring trials such as divorce, the death of a loved one, or mental illness. These difficult subjects are hard enough to talk about with other adults. Attempting to explain these events to children can be a daunting task.

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DIY Valentine’s Day Fine Motor Skills Craft

We use our fine motor skills every single day, from getting dressed to eating to writing. Fine motor skills require the control of small muscles in our hands. These muscles can be strengthened and improved each day. Not only are these important skills to develop for daily activities but they also include a host of other benefits such as

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How To Help Your Child Cope With Death

Losing a loved one is always a very hard and emotional experience. As parents, you might struggle with healing from your own grief, while also supporting your children. It’s helpful to know how your child might respond and what you can do to strengthen them as much as possible. Here are a few ways that

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3 Ways to Practice Self-Compassion as Parents

Parents often feel as though they do not have any time to practice any kind of self-care. Although parents know that self-care is important, they may often feel that they aren’t being a good parent if they take any time for themselves. They also may feel that with all of their parenting responsibilities, they simply do

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Guest Post: PBS KIDS Utah: Quality Content for Your Family

I’m Elise Brimhall, the Education Program Manager for PBS Utah. With COVID-19 impacting everyday life, especially schools, we know that you are now entertaining and educating children in the home 24/7. It’s a big task, and we know it can feel overwhelming. To ease some of the pressure, we at PBS Utah have put together

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Simple Ways to Help Your Child’s Intrinsic Motivation Flourish

I was reading an article the other day that talked about studies in favor of toddlers sincerely enjoying and wanting opportunities to help those around them. After finishing the article, I wondered, “where does all that ‘helping spirit’ go when they get older?” And why is it that some older children are more willing to help than

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