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Tag: Seasonal Activities and Crafts

Guest Post: Kid Friendly DIY Herb Garden for Your Kitchen

Finding meaningful activities to share with the kids in your life can be a challenge. With so many attention-grabbing screens to compete with, it might even be intimidating to suggest something like gardening. But make no mistake! Kids can get every bit as excited about growing plants as they do about a video game or TV show.

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Guest Post: How to Get Your Kids to Dig Gardening

Looking to get your kids connected with something besides a small screen? How about communing with nature in the form of a garden? In this era of satisfaction on demand, watching and waiting for something to grow can be incredibly valuable for kids. It also gives them an excuse to get outside and get a

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How To Keep Your Child From Falling Behind During Summer Break

Summer break is one of the most exciting times to be a kid; a time to forget about the most demanding part of life– school. But does a summer break without learning really help children in the long run? A report pointed out that, on average, children forget the last month of learning from the previous school

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