Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Help Me Grow Utah Blog

11 Mindfulness Activities to Improve the Parent-Child Bond

When in stressful situations, it can be common for parents to have “knee-jerk” reactions. We may lash out at our children, raise our voices, or become irrationally upset about little things. Some parents will even resort to what was modeled in their own childhood when in the heat of the moment. These reactions can lead

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Creative Strategies to Tackle Bedtime

Sleep is such an important part of life, but the nightly bedtime battle can become a frustrating experience for both parent and child. If you are a parent who is struggling for bedtime success, here are some ideas you can try: Start with the basics – The most important first step is to create a

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Separation Anxiety and Sleep Regression

A few months after my grandson’s second birthday, he started having some separation anxiety that led to some trouble with bedtime and sleep regression. He went from a toddler who went to bed and to sleep each night without too many problems and slept without waking too often during the night to a toddler who

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Tips for Flying with a Toddler

Many families are trying to sneak in one last trip before summer ends. You might be worried your relaxing trip will turn into a kicking and screaming nightmare on your cramped plane ride! With the right game plan, you can avoid a lot of the problems that lead to horror stories. “Bad Behavior” is usually

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Help! My Baby is Teething and I am Still Breastfeeding

You are a pro at breastfeeding, you got everything figured out, and you might be at the point where you feel this is a normal daily task for you, like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. But it’s time for another adventure in your breastfeeding journey. Your baby has begun teething.  Maybe it is just

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