Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Help Me Grow Utah Blog

Help! My Baby is Teething and I am Still Breastfeeding

You are a pro at breastfeeding, you got everything figured out, and you might be at the point where you feel this is a normal daily task for you, like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. But it’s time for another adventure in your breastfeeding journey. Your baby has begun teething.  Maybe it is just

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6 Tips For Picking a Babysitter You can Trust

Now and then, my parents would hire a babysitter so they could go out on a date. I remember having different types of babysitters growing up; some were better than others! One of my favorites brought super fun games and was wonderful at playing with us. Unfortunately, some people are not to be trusted as

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Raising Children to Use Media Wisely

It may seem that there are only two ways to interact with technology in your family: by living in the stone age and avoiding it altogether, or by giving the kids free rein on their own tablets and iPhones and having the TV always playing in the background. Which one is right? The truth according

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Fostering Growth: The Power of a Child’s Mindset

Let’s say a child goes to stack blocks into a tower but struggles to balance them. Frustrated, he may cry out, “I just can’t do it. I’m not good at building towers.” Despite encouragement from a caregiver, the child insists on giving up, convinced that building a tower is beyond his abilities. This is just

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¿Cómo facilitar el desarrollo social y emocional de mi niño?

El desarrollo social y emocional durante los primeros años de vida es un proceso fundamental y gradual en el cual los niños adquieren la capacidad de entender, experimentar, expresar y gestionar sus emociones apropiadamente y desarrollar relaciones sanas con adultos y otros niños. Esto establecerá fundamentos para el resto de la vida del niño, sus

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Turning Heads: What You Need to Know About Torticollis

You’re smiling down at your baby, tilting your head back and forth to capture her attention. Chances are she’ll start to move her head back and forth to follow your gaze, smiling back up at you. But what happens when she doesn’t? Maybe you notice that she has her head tilted to one side and

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