Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Help Me Grow Utah Blog

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse can be a scary topic. According to some studies, 1 in 5 children in the U.S. is sexually abused before reaching age 18. Often, the child knows the abuser. For any parent or future parent, the information and statistics about child sexual abuse are alarming. Becoming educated about preventing sexual abuse is

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Explaining Mindsets: Fixed vs. Growth

Did you know how you praise a child can be linked to the mindset they develop? Have you ever heard the terms Growth mindset and Fixed mindset? Do you know the difference? A fixed mindset is believing that you can’t learn more or do better. It limits learning to how things are now. The Growth

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How to Succeed When Adding Another Baby to the Family

Having a second baby, or any child after that is a big change for a family. This new child might seem fussier or more difficult than your first. We want to offer some ideas to help parents adjust well to the new addition. Here are some things to consider: Your Bond with Baby: As you now

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What is your Parenting Style?

Parenting styles, as defined by Diana Baumrind are strategies that parents use in their child-rearing. Those styles are Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Uninvolved. Let’s take a deeper look into these 4 parenting styles. Authoritarian- very strict rules, these kinds of parents have rules for their children with no flexibility to them. You can think of this kind

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How Help Me Grow Supports Your Autism Journey

At Help Me Grow Utah, we often have parents who call us and ask about autism. Some parents have seen behaviors that are associated with autism. According to a 2014 study done by Gerteis, Izrael and Deitz, Autism is the 4th most common chronic childhood condition, right after Asthma, Allergies, and Attention deficit disorder. When

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Tips for Helping Left Handed Kids Learn to Write

My third child was born with a birth defect on her left thumb. I was relieved that it was her left hand so that it wouldn’t interfere with her learning to write. After all, most people are right-handed, right? She started out using both hands equally, but now she definitely writes with her left hand.

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