Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Help Me Grow Utah Blog

How to Help Children with Activity Transitions

Transitioning from one activity to another can be challenging for adults and children. Being told “it’s time to go” out of nowhere can make adults scramble to finish up last-minute items we forgot to do. For a child, it’s no different. We might not see it from their perspective, especially when the activity is fun

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Let the “Tooth” be Told

My baby is going to start teething soon! What should I expect? Teething is a new experience for many parents, and oftentimes it can be a hard one. The symptoms and timeline of teething can be found here. So let’s get started! Each baby is going to have a different experience when it comes to

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Cuando amamantar no resulta según lo planeado

Mi primer hijo nació a principios del año 2021. Debido al manejo del dolor, pasaron varias horas antes de que intentara a amamantar. Cuando ya estaba lista, las enfermeras preguntaron si quería intentarlo. Por supuesto, dije que sí. Vi el amamantamiento como un deber como madre. Estaba ansiosa, pero determinada a tener éxito. Una especialista

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When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Go as Planned

My first child was born in early 2021. Due to pain management, it took several hours for me to attempt nursing. When I was ready, the nurses asked if I wanted to try breastfeeding. Of course, I said yes. I saw breastfeeding as my duty as a new mother. The idea of nursing came with

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5 Tips and Tricks for a Successful Summer Break

Summer can be a fun and exciting time for families! There are so many activities they can do together, it feels like the options are endless. At the same time, summer break can sometimes feel stressful. Changing from a structured school schedule to extra free time can be overwhelming for kids (and parents). With a

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