Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Child Development

Why Does My 3-year-old Do That?! Are They Deliberately Being Disobedient?

Has this ever happened to you? You give your 3-year-old very specific instructions.  “Don’t put the candy in your mouth. It goes on the gingerbread house! Where does the candy go?” “On the house!” “Yes, that’s right! On the house. Where does it go?” “On the house!” “Yes, okay, don’t put it in your mouth. …

Why Does My 3-year-old Do That?! Are They Deliberately Being Disobedient? Read More »

Communication Development from 18 Months to 2 Years and Tips to Strengthen Speech

It is sometimes difficult to know how much a child should be talking. Every child’s development and language acquisition might look a little different, but this post can help guide parents to know what to expect generally.  From 18 months to 2 years old there is a period of rapid development for children in their …

Communication Development from 18 Months to 2 Years and Tips to Strengthen Speech Read More »

¿Cómo facilitar el desarrollo social y emocional de mi niño?

El desarrollo social y emocional durante los primeros años de vida es un proceso fundamental y gradual en el cual los niños adquieren la capacidad de entender, experimentar, expresar y gestionar sus emociones apropiadamente y desarrollar relaciones sanas con adultos y otros niños. Esto establecerá fundamentos para el resto de la vida del niño, sus …

¿Cómo facilitar el desarrollo social y emocional de mi niño? Read More »