Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County


Why is my child so forgetful? What you need to know and how to help.

It may surprise you to learn that forgetfulness is an important part of memory (imagine the burden of remembering every single thing we ever experienced!). But for most intents and purposes, remembering things is, of course, very helpful. The question of why your child is so forgetful depends on many factors; first of all: developmental …

Why is my child so forgetful? What you need to know and how to help. Read More »

How to Incorporate Child Development Activities into Your Child’s Life

Children are amazing! They learn and grow with every new experience. Child development can happen in so many ways. Just by letting a child interact with the world around them, we help increase their capacity to understand. However, there are specific ways we can help children develop, and they can be very simple to incorporate …

How to Incorporate Child Development Activities into Your Child’s Life Read More »

Social Media and Parenthood: Evaluating Your Expectations

Mom + Influencer = “Mom-fluencer” Most parents would agree that morning sickness, changing diapers, potty training, and tantrums are all far from being glamorous. The daily tasks of raising children certainly have their fair share of rewards, but they also come with fatigue, discouragement, self doubt, and frustration.  How do social media influencers make it …

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Cuando amamantar no resulta según lo planeado

Mi primer hijo nació a principios del año 2021. Debido al manejo del dolor, pasaron varias horas antes de que intentara a amamantar. Cuando ya estaba lista, las enfermeras preguntaron si quería intentarlo. Por supuesto, dije que sí. Vi el amamantamiento como un deber como madre. Estaba ansiosa, pero determinada a tener éxito. Una especialista …

Cuando amamantar no resulta según lo planeado Read More »