Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Family Stress and Coping Part 2: Family Meetings

Each family is unique and will go through different challenging experiences. Every family will have ups and downs. Moments that are fun and enjoyable as well as frustrating and difficult. As much as we as humans and parents want to focus on just the pleasant moments, it’s important to be prepared for difficult and stressful events and situations. A wonderful tool to help families be prepared to deal with and cope well through stressful times is to hold Family Meetings. (And if you missed part one of this series, read it here.)

Regular and structured family meetings can help families solve problems, create successful family rules, plan successful family vacations, and bring a family closer together. There are some important guidelines and tips to help make these regular family meetings successful and positive experiences.

Set aside a specific time to meet as a family. This can be hard to do, especially as children get older and their schedules get busier. But this does not have to be a long meeting, and it can even take place during a family dinner. Family Meetings can happen as frequently as fits your family’s needs.

Make a Topic Agenda. Meetings will go smoother if everyone knows what specific topic they will be discussing. Letting each family member know in advance can also help each person (especially older children) prepare to participate and share their thoughts and opinions, and can help everyone keep to the topic on hand instead of getting caught up in other family problems or disagreements.

Start each meeting by sharing good thoughts about each other. As a parent, it will be very beneficial to lead by example in this case. Start out the meeting by sharing what you like or love about your partner, if they are involved, and then each of your children. You could share what you like about them or share something they did that you appreciated. Having your partner do the same can help cement this idea. Then invite your children to share as well. This invites a nice atmosphere to begin the family discussion.

Take turns sharing and participating. Make sure everyone has a chance to share their thoughts, ideas, or concerns. This way everyone feels valued and that their feelings matter.

End with something positive. It might be beneficial to end with a treat or a dessert. Or even a fun family activity. This will give everyone something to look forward to. It will also help to make family meetings more enjoyable and a positive experience for the family.

As your family meets frequently and becomes comfortable with this process, they will feel better prepared to discuss difficult and stressful topics together as a family when those moments arise.

Other great tips for starting and then conducting family meetings: Conducting Positive Family Meetings

Colorado State has some other suggestions to help your family councils be successful. 10 Tips for Successful Family Meetings.


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