Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Tag: Child Development

Social Emotional Development: Learning for Success 

Imagine for a second you see the world through your baby’s eyes. It is gigantic, full of unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells. You don’t yet have words to describe the things you see. You may not know where you are or be able to differentiate faces. However, you do know that some people feel safer

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Chores: A Burden or a Benefit? 

A recent survey of parents in the United States shows that while 82% of parents were expected to do chores in their childhood homes, only 28% are continuing to expect that from their children. This is an unfortunate statistic because there are a myriad of benefits that come to both the family unit and the

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Reading Aloud: Connecting with Little Listeners

I have never been a “morning person”. I don’t like waking up early, and I do best when I take my time in the morning. When my mom would wake me up to get ready for school (since I often chose not to listen to my alarm clock), it would take a lot of convincing

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Boost Your Child’s Development with Sparkler’s Play Feature

As parents, we’re always on the lookout for ways to support our child’s growth, but it can be challenging to know where to start. With Sparkler, a child development app available to Utah families, you gain access to tools that make it easier to engage with your child’s developmental journey. One standout feature is Sparkler’s

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Understanding Your Child’s Mind: Piaget

One of the most exciting and baffling things about being around young children is decoding the way they think. As a proud aunt of four (currently ranging in age from 9 months to 3 years), I am regularly delighted as I watch these little people make connections. It can be truly thrilling to watch them

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Home Visitation Programs in Utah

In the state of Utah, there are so many opportunities for community events and programs! One program in the state that we like to recommend to families are the Home Visiting Programs. The Utah State Department of Health and Human Services runs these programs to provide evidence-based models to help families with children in Utah!

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The Importance of Setting Boundaries: A Guide for Parents

Setting boundaries is an essential part of ensuring a child’s healthy future. Just as guardrails and fences protect us physically, personal boundaries safeguard our emotional and mental well-being. This article will explore why boundaries are crucial, what constitutes a healthy boundary, and how parents can effectively teach these principles to their children. What Are Boundaries

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Myths, Misconceptions, & Methods: Raising Your Children Bilingual

Definitions: Majority Language – Most widely spoken language among a population (often one children will hear at school) Minority Language – Less widely spoken language among a population (often spoken in the home) I recently spoke to a friend from Mexico, who lives in the United States, and speaks Spanish to her almost 2-year-old at

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Honoring All Progress: How Parents Can Celebrate Inchstones!

Take a moment to picture the little things that mean the world to your child.  For my family, it was ice cream on a hot summer day. Now, imagine four children sitting out in the heat when suddenly they all hear a familiar melody. A scramble for change on the kitchen counter and a race

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