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Tag: Parenting Tips

Helping Your Child Cope with Nightmares

Around 50% of young kids have severe nightmares that cause them to wake up their parents. I had a nightmare every night as a kid, and even though it was distressing to me, it was equally distressing to my parents. My bedtime routine became a battle because I was so terrified to get into bed. And even

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Special Time: Beyond Just One-On-One Time

 When talking to families about special time, parents often respond, “I already spend all day with my children” or “We have lots of one-on-one time together.” I love hearing when parents are able to be home and enjoy spending time with their children! I also wanted to highlight some of the ways that “special time”

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10 Coping Techniques to Use with Your Child

 Have you ever noticed how life has a tendency to throw all sorts of unexpected twists and turns, especially at the least convenient times? I’ve heard enough experiences to know that this doesn’t just happen to me; everyone has their own story. It’s often hard for me (but really, most adults as well) to deal

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Animal Breathing to Calm Your Child

I love training in martial arts. There’s something really fulfilling for me to be able to master a new technique while getting a really great workout in. One aspect of martial arts that I really connect with is the need to breathe. We all struggle with different challenges. We are all more capable of handling

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The Power of Emotion Coaching

 One of the most inspiring ideas I learned about in college was the idea of “emotional coaching.” I remember feeling overwhelmed with this practice and asking myself “How am I supposed to emotionally coach a child when I struggle to understand and navigate through my own emotions?” Perhaps, you may feel similar thoughts and fears

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7 Parenting Tips for Raising a Child with ADHD

Around 6.1 million children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, also known as ADD). That means that 9.4% of children between the ages of 2-17 have been faced with the challenges associated with an ADHD diagnosis. So if your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, you are not alone. ADHD is

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How to Have Smoother Bedtimes

If your child’s bedtime is a struggle, you’re not alone. Whether it’s asking for a drink of water every 5 minutes, hearing “I’m not tired”, or a meltdown in general, bedtime can be chaos. We all know that sleep is important, but for children, getting enough sleep helps with things like behavior and learning. Studies show

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Cómo suavizar la hora de dormir

Si es un desafío acostar a su hijo, usted no está solo. Ya sea que pida un vaso de agua cada 5 minutos, escuche “No estoy cansado,” o un berrinche en general, la hora de acostarse puede ser caótica. Todos sabemos que es importante dormir, pero para los niños, recibir suficiente sueño ayuda con las

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What is Co-Sleeping?

As you give birth to your baby, you receive so many recommendations, advice, and critics that it is hard to know the best way to parent your child. Each kid is different, so it’s important to remember to do what feels best for you and your child. However, there are some recommendations given by expert

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