Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Help Me Grow Utah

Help Me Grow Utah is a parenting information and refferal line. Have a question about pregnancy, parenting, or child development? Give us a call!

Guest Post: Kid Friendly DIY Herb Garden for Your Kitchen

Finding meaningful activities to share with the kids in your life can be a challenge. With so many attention-grabbing screens to compete with, it might even be intimidating to suggest something like gardening. But make no mistake! Kids can get every bit as excited about growing plants as they do about a video game or TV show. …

Guest Post: Kid Friendly DIY Herb Garden for Your Kitchen Read More »

Ages and Stages Questionnaire: What is it and should I do them?

There are many perks to being the oldest child; every little milestone is tracked, celebrated, and recognized. Everything from my first words, to walking, and even toilet training, it was an exciting time for my parents to watch me grow. There was a sense of anticipation with each milestone, and as I learned new skills, …

Ages and Stages Questionnaire: What is it and should I do them? Read More »

Guest Post: Essential Financial Planning Tips and Steps All Parents Should Know

 Having a baby in your 30’s can be stressful enough. Trust me, I know firsthand about all of those challenges. In addition to avoiding all of the peer pressure that comes with being an older mom, you also need to worry about navigating the financial changes that come with starting a family. Thankfully, being older …

Guest Post: Essential Financial Planning Tips and Steps All Parents Should Know Read More »

How to Break the Cycle of Gender Stereotyping

 Have you ever heard the saying “boys will be boys”? Or “girls are so emotional”? These may seem like harmless phrases that explain our parenting experiences, but they may actually be limiting our children’s potential. Gender Differences We are always hearing about another new finding on the “many” differences between boys and girls – whether …

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Early Childhood: Sexual Behavior: Part 1

 We all know it’s part of human nature and development, but many questions are associated with self-touch and sexual behavior in young children. It’s a sensitive topic for parents for many reasons: religious beliefs and personal values, inexperience in explaining body development and appropriate behaviors with children, uncertainty around what is typical at this young …

Early Childhood: Sexual Behavior: Part 1 Read More »

Simple Ways to Help Your Child’s Intrinsic Motivation Flourish

I was reading an article the other day that talked about studies in favor of toddlers sincerely enjoying and wanting opportunities to help those around them. After finishing the article, I wondered, “where does all that ‘helping spirit’ go when they get older?” And why is it that some older children are more willing to help than …

Simple Ways to Help Your Child’s Intrinsic Motivation Flourish Read More »