Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Help Me Grow Utah Blog

Social Emotional Development: Learning for Success 

Imagine for a second you see the world through your baby’s eyes. It is gigantic, full of unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells. You don’t yet have words to describe the things you see. You may not know where you are or be able to differentiate faces. However, you do know that some people feel safer

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Brushing Your Child’s Teeth 

What type of bear has no teeth? A gummy bear! Making toothbrushing part of your child’s daily routine from the start not only helps to prevent painful problems like tooth decay but also forms healthy habits which can set them up for a lifetime of smiles. Children might not enjoy it, but there are ways

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My Body, My Map: Early Lessons in Self-Respect and Anatomy

Do you remember the first time your little one discovered their hand? The wonder in their eyes as their tiny fingers curled and stretched as if they had unlocked a secret? Or maybe you can recall that adorable moment they brought their hand to their mouth, exploring its shape, taste, and texture, like a whole

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Chores: A Burden or a Benefit? 

A recent survey of parents in the United States shows that while 82% of parents were expected to do chores in their childhood homes, only 28% are continuing to expect that from their children. This is an unfortunate statistic because there are a myriad of benefits that come to both the family unit and the

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Tips for Brushing Tiny Teeth

It is such a heartwarming feeling to see that first little tooth peek through your child’s gummy smile! But as those teeth begin to grow, how can we make sure they develop into healthy teeth that will last a lifetime? Starting early with healthy brushing practices isn’t just about stopping cavities, it’s about creating an

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