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Child Development

What Every Parent Should Know About Brain-Building

The brain develops the most rapidly during the first five years of life. During your child’s earliest years, their brain makes over 1 million neural connections—every single second. That’s a lot of brain-building! The latest science shows that when kids share positive, engaging experiences with caring adults (that’s YOU), their brains grow strong and flexible. …

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6 Ways to Help Your Child Cope with Worry and Anxiety

Is your child nervous about the start of the school year? It’s common for all kids to feel nervous about beginning school. For some though, those beginning of the year nerves turn into something more. If you’ve noticed your student is struggling with excessive worry or anxiety, there are several simple things you can do …

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Receptive and Expressive Communication Explained

When you think about communication skills, you probably think about words and pronunciation, but communication begins even before a baby starts babbling. Communication encompasses what we understand and body language as well as what we say. There are two kinds of communication – receptive and expressive – and it’s important for children to develop both. Receptive …

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Behavioral Changes to Expect When Your Child Starts School

You might not remember your first day of school – or maybe you remember it a little too well. It’s a big transition that includes new people, places, and pressures. Children experience lots of confusing emotions because of this, and if you anticipate certain behavior changes you can help your child navigate this time successfully. …

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