Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Tag: Family Activities

Family Fitness Fun

Most parents know how important it is for their children to be active, but they also know how hard it can be to pull their kids away from screen time and other sedentary activities. Active kids are more likely to have: ·a healthy weight ·stronger bones and muscles ·healthy hearts and brains ·better memory, attention

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5 Ways to Foster a Child’s Creativity

Fostering creativity helps children grow mentally by providing new opportunities for self-expression, problem solving, and trying out new ideas. Parents can have a vital role in creating an open environment where children can be free to explore and self-express. There are some simple yet rewarding ways you can promote creativity in your child. Here are

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Guest Post: Tech for Kids and Healthy Downtime

It is safe to say that right now we are all using technology a lot more than we used to. This is not just because we are bored and don’t have a lot of options. Using tech is how we are all functioning, socially and economically. We connect with others for schooling, work, socialization, and

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Guest Post: How to Make a Free, DIY Terrarium

There are numerous benefits to having plants or “green space” in your home. For example, green space has been shown to decrease stress, anxiety, blood pressure, and can even purify the air in your home. Building a terrarium is a perfect way to bring green space into your home and enjoy the benefits that come with it. It’s

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It’s Okay to be Bored

During this time of the “Stay home, Stay safe” directive, You or your child (or both!) might find yourself feeling bored. Just know it’s okay to be bored! In fact, we need people to get bored. It’s while we’re bored that our minds are free to create. Creativity is the heart that moves us forward

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Guest Post: Family Volunteering Tips

 As I was growing up, my parents were always looking for ways to help support our neighbors and community. Whether it was cleaning up yards for people in our neighborhood or helping pick fruit at the local orchards, my parents signed us up to help. While I complained about this a great deal at the

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How To Keep Your Child From Falling Behind During Summer Break

Summer break is one of the most exciting times to be a kid; a time to forget about the most demanding part of life– school. But does a summer break without learning really help children in the long run? A report pointed out that, on average, children forget the last month of learning from the previous school

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Guest Post: 4 Fun Activities for Parent-Child Bonding

I can remember the fun times that my brother and I often had with my dad growing up. We used to cook while watching movies together, and talk about what we would cook later. Oftentimes, I can remember my dad and brother playing basketball in the backyard while I played with the dog. I’d often practice throwing

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Guest Post: What is Roblox?

You may have seen kids playing a blocky adventure game lately, or seen new toys while out shopping. Perhaps you thought it was Minecraft, or some kind of LEGO game. What you saw was most likely Roblox, a multiplayer online game that has been out since 2006, but grown leaps and bounds in just the

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