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Tag: Family Activities

The Speed of Slow

Does this sound familiar? Get your brand new baby ready for college! Prepare your child’s resume to look spectacular. Get them involved in extracurricular activities early! Get them into classes to learn how to play sports and dance, so they can be the best when it counts. These are all opportunities that will set them

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How to Register to Vote and Why You Should

Voting is an important part of civic engagement and is a privilege we should all use and teach our children to use. Talking with our children about the voting process, why we vote, and why it matters prepares them to be informed citizens when they grow older and enables them to help shape the world

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Children’s Card Games on the Go

I love to play games, especially card games. There’s just something about being surrounded by others and enjoying the conversation as you strategize your next move. I’m the first to admit that not all games are child-friendly. But with a little creativity, you can involve children in many games, even if they aren’t able to

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A Super Easy Activity: Tangrams

Looking for something fun to do with your children and only have a piece of paper? This is a fun way to entertain children (and yourself) while exercising your brain muscles: Tangrams. Tangrams is an ancient Chinese puzzle that has seven pieces (tans) of geometric shapes. Each set has one square, one parallelogram, and a variety of

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