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Tag: Parenting Tips

How to Prevent a Public Temper Tantrum

Every parent has witnessed a temper tantrum at one time or another. Your child is screaming while you stand there trying to decide what to do. It can be even more daunting when you have an audience watching. Public temper tantrums can be difficult, but below you will find some positive parenting strategies to ease

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Talking to Your Child About Sex

Not many topics frighten parents more than talking to their children about sex. However, I hope to convince you if you start early, you can talk about sex bit by bit and create an even closer relationship with your child. Suggestion 1 Start early. Begin by referring to your child’s body parts (genitalia included) using

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The Health Benefits of Gratitude

We have all heard that gratitude will improve our mental health and encourage positive thinking, but did you know that gratitude can also improve your physical health? Over the years, studies have shown that gratitude can improve psychological well-being, self-esteem, and relationships. It is linked with reducing aggression, impatience, and depressive symptoms. We have been long aware

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How Fathers Can Bond with Their Babies

A few weeks ago, I was watching my husband play with our 6-month-old son, tossing him lightly into the air, and I felt my heart drop from where I sat. My heart couldn’t handle the fear as I saw the potential for him to fall and get hurt, but at the same time, I loved

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How to Say “No” without Saying “No”

My 5-month-old son has recently started reaching for my face when I hold him. He enjoys grabbing my glasses and pulling at my nose. Kids his age are curious and starting to learn to use their hands and grab things. They also don’t understand that sometimes the things they do can cause pain or potentially

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Parental Fears About Technology Can Make Things Worse

We have an interconnected generation where (for better or worse) we have a hyper-awareness of everything that’s happening around us. With social media, cable news, and the constant pings and notifications of technology we are aware of many things beyond our control and far away from us. Our brains, bred for survival, struggle to differentiate

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What To Do When Your Child Lies

When 2-year-old Liam* started crying, his mother Sadie went to investigate. Her two children were playing in their room together and Liam was crying and obviously in distress. After questioning her older daughter, Abigail, who insisted she didn’t know what happened, Sadie decided to check the video feed from the baby monitor. Much to her

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10 Tips for Teaching Body Safety

We teach our children about stranger danger, stop drop and roll, and fire safety; but do we teach our kids about keeping their bodies safe? Think back to your childhood–did you have an aunt who plopped a slimy kiss on your cheek or an uncle who gave a rib-cracking hug? Were you told it was

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Helping Children Cope with Divorce

Divorce is a common challenge many children face, and though this decision may be best for your family, you as a parent may worry about how this change will affect the little ones. How you break the news to your child and how you each cope with it will affect how well your child adjusts

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