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Tag: Parenting Tips

Tantrums: A Good Thing?

As a Parent Support Specialist, one of the most common concerns that I hear about are tantrums. Often irrational, unpredictable, and unpacifiable, it comes as no surprise to me that tantrums can be so concerning to parents that are simply trying their best to keep their child happy and breathing. What is a parent to

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What Children Do For Us, and How to Say “Thank You”

Children are funny little people that are capable of great creativity and joy, and are very talented in bringing out that joy, love, and innocence in others. I admit, whenever I see a baby at the grocery store or at church, I just have to point them out and say something about them to others.

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The Princess Bride and Fear of Public Restrooms

You just spent the last several weeks inside the house (hopefully during winter) watching “The Princess Bride” over and over while potty training your toddler. It wasn’t exactly like climbing the cliffs of insanity, but close. Now that it’s Spring you want to get out of the house and go on an outing, but there’s

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Guest Post: Grooming Online: What Parents Should Know

Grooming is a process where a sexual predator identifies and gets access and the trust of a child for the purpose to sexual exploitation and/or assault. Unfortunately, the Internet has provided a medium in which this exploitation can be shared and traded, and children can be accessed more easily. We teach young children “stranger danger”

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Tantrums: What’s Behind Them, and How to Help Your Child Through Them

What’s behind a tantrum? When a toy goes missing, when their cookie falls on the floor, when another child won’t share. In a toddler’s world, moments like these can result in every parent’s nightmare: a tantrum. Hidden behind these intense reactions to life experiences is the process of recognizing what emotions are, and how to

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Parenting with Temperament in Mind

Ever wonder how your child can react to and behave in situations so differently than you do? Though parents surely have an influence on children’s behavior and mannerisms, temperament is also a unique influence that a child brings on their own. Temperament needs to be taken into account to not only have successful parenting, but

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What You Need to Know About Your Child’s Hearing

“Hearing loss is one of the most common birth defects, occuring at a rate of 1 out of 300 babies.” At about 11 months, I was diagnosed with a rare brain cancer. I am fortunate enough to have survived childhood cancer, but one complication was that I became deaf in my left ear. Growing up,

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6 Principles to Achieve Your Goals

Ahh…it’s a new year! Nothing like fresh ambition in the air to get you excited. How do you turn your new year’s resolutions into a habit that can change your life? Let’s talk about six principles you can use to create fulfilling goals that will leave you inspired to work hard and leave you smiling!

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How to Talk to Your Children About the News

The outside world can be a scary place, and kids need to know they can go to mom and dad for help answering their big questions about what they see on the news and hear at school. There are hard questions in life, and as a parent, you may be amazed at the big questions

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The Importance of Daddy Time

Is there anything sweeter than seeing a dad with his new baby? Even before my daughter was born, I was almost more excited to see my husband with her than I was to see her. Fathers play such an important role in children’s development, even from a young age. Dads interact differently with babies than

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