Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Help Me Grow Utah

Help Me Grow Utah is a parenting information and refferal line. Have a question about pregnancy, parenting, or child development? Give us a call!

Tiempo Especial: Más que solo pasar tiempo juntos

Cuando hablamos con familias sobre tiempo especial, es común escuchar, “Ya paso todo el día con mis niños” o “Ya pasamos mucho tiempo juntos.” ¡Me encanta saber que los padres puedan estar en casa y disfrutar pasar tiempo con sus hijos! También quiero destacar algunas maneras que el “tiempo especial” sea diferente que otro tiempo …

Tiempo Especial: Más que solo pasar tiempo juntos Read More »

The Ins and Outs of an Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis

As a parent support specialist with Help Me Grow Utah, I sometimes get asked questions regarding receiving an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. Frequent questions often sound like Does Help Me Grow screen for autism? My pediatrician administered the M-CHAT to my child and it said he is at high risk– doesn’t that count as …

The Ins and Outs of an Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis Read More »

Is it a Speech Delay, Language Delay or Bilingualism?

Have you ever heard the terms “language delay” and “speech delay” being thrown around almost interchangeably? Perhaps you’ve heard that children who learn two languages are more prone to speech delays? These terms and possibilities can be very overwhelming, especially when we want the best possible speech outcomes for our children. Hopefully, this article will …

Is it a Speech Delay, Language Delay or Bilingualism? Read More »