Help Me Grow | United Way of Utah County

Help Me Grow Utah

Help Me Grow Utah is a parenting information and refferal line. Have a question about pregnancy, parenting, or child development? Give us a call!

Guest Post: Focusing in a Tech-Saturated World through Mindfulness

Your child’s day is filled with noise, motion and lights. From TVs blaring, phones buzzing and more, their days can be filled with devices and distractions. These distractions make the brain work harder. A National Safety Council white paper said, “Human brains do not perform two tasks at the same time. Instead, the brain handles …

Guest Post: Focusing in a Tech-Saturated World through Mindfulness Read More »

Does Birth Order Impact Parenting and Child Development?

If you grew up with siblings or have multiple children, you probably understand the major effect that birth order has on family dynamics. We all know the stereotypes about how oldest, middle, and youngest children likely behave and what their place in the family means about their future achievement and success. Everyone probably has a …

Does Birth Order Impact Parenting and Child Development? Read More »